There are numerous transactions which occur so many times in a day. It is inadequate and inconvenient to record the transaction in the book of original entry i.e. journal. Every transaction recorded in journal becomes thick, bulky, tedious and consumes more time, labour and money. So the transactions which are of repetitive nature are recorded in a separate book through special journal. Such separate book of original entry, maintained for recording the similar and repetitive types of transactions is known as subsidiary books. Also known as sub-journal or sub- division of journal, this book includes purchase book, sales book, purchase return book, sales return book and cash book.
There are numerous transactions which occur so many times in a day. It is inadequate and inconvenient to record the transaction in the book of original entry i.e. journal. Every transaction recorded in journal becomes thick, bulky, tedious and consumes more time, labour and money. So the transactions which are of repetitive nature are recorded in a separate book through special journal. Such separate book of original entry, maintained for recording the similar and repetitive types of transactions is known as subsidiary books. Also known as sub-journal or sub- division of journal, this book includes purchase book, sales book, purchase return book, sales return book and cash book.
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